

TUCVM's Graduate Public Health program presentation

Thanks to Dr. Stephen Sodeke for his TUCVM's Graduate Public Health program presentation on Nov. 12, "Bioethics of the United States Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male: A Dialogue." During the dialogue session, Dr. Sodeke had the following focuses:(1) Narrate the USPHS Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male with illustration and a documentary, (2) Discuss the founding of the Tuskegee Bioethics Center, (3) Facilitate a reflection on the ethical issues and implications of the Syphilis Study using a bioethics lens, and (4) Raise awareness of the new precision medicine initiative. Dr. Ehsan Abdalla, Health Disparities Class Coordinator in the Dept. of Graduate Public Health, organized the session."