Mohammed A. Qazi

Dr. Mohammed A. QaziMOHAMMED A. QAZI, Ph.D.
Professor,Department of Mathematics
John A. Kenney Hall, Office70-404
Ƶ College of Arts & Sciences
Tuskegee, Alabama 36088 USA

Phone: 334-727-8139
Email: mqazi@tuskegee.edu

Biographical Sketch

Mohammed Qazi received his Ph.D. in 1997 from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada. Subsequently, he was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Qazi's scientific research focuses on various extensions of Bernstein-type inequalities which play an important role in the Theory of Approximation. He is also interested in various aspects of the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable.

In addition, Qazi worksonlarge-scale mentoring programs designed to provide students with access to authentic and rigorous STEM opportunities in high-needs schools in Alabama. Further, in the context of Higher Education, heworks on programs that are designed to promote persistence of undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields and their preparation for the STEM workforce through mentoring and Bridge type initiaves for skills-building.

Funding: Theseprograms are funded bycompetitive grants awarded by Federal and State agencies (The National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Department of Education (US DOE) and the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE)),Foundations and Industries (Caring Foundation, the 1772 Foundation, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing of Alabama, Proctor & Gamble).

I. Awards

1. Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM), February 2022 (issued by the White House)
2. Faculty Achievement Award, Ƶ, April 2012
3. Postdoctoral Fellowship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2019 - 2020

II. Professional Preparation

  1. NSERC* Postdoctoral,Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA, 2000

  2. NSERC Postdoctoral, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, 1999

  3. Ph.D., Mathematics, École Polytechniquede Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 1997

*Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

III. Research Fields/Areas of Interest

  • Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable

  • Approximation Theory

  • Mathematics Education

  • Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

  • Retention and Workforce Preparation Initiatives in the STEM Sector

IV. Grantsmanship

A. Current Funding

  1. Collaborative Research: Advancing STEM Workforce Readiness of Interdisciplinary Scholars for Excellence Using a Mentored Community Approach to Promote Belonging and Professional Identity (RISE). NSF S-STEM Consortium; $2,179,940 (Alliance Total: $5 Million); 2024 - 2029 (PI/PD).

  2. Collaborative Research: Making to Advance Knowledge, Excellence, and Recognition in STEM (MAKERS). NSF S-STEM Consortium; $2,001,788 (Alliance Total: $5,160,000); 2016 – 2025 (PI/PD).
  3. Collaborative Research: SEI: Creating a Lasting LEGACY - Scaling a Peer-learning Community Model to Provide AP CS Preparation and Career Awareness for Black Young Women. NSF ITEST; $295,924; 2024 – 2028 (PI).
  4. Developing Inclusive, Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Data Science Curricula in Computing and Social Science. NSF IUSE CUE; $646,682; 2023 - 2026 (Co-PI).
  5. NRT: Research Training in Sustainable Packaging and Biodegradable Polymer Composites for the Next Generation of STEM Graduates. NSF NRT; $1,999,996; 2021 – 2026 (Co-PI).
  6. NSF RISE: Enhancement of Research Capability and Development of Early Career Faculty at Ƶ. NSF RISE; $1,000,000; 2021 – 2025(Co-PI).
  7. CS 10K: The Tuskegee Partnership to Establish Computer Science Education in the Alabama Black Belt (ECS4Alabama). NSF CS 10K & ALSDE; $1,600,000; 2016 – To Date(PI/PD).
  8. NSF INCLUDES DDLP: The Alabama Alliance for an Inclusive Middle Grades Computer Science Preparation through Makerspaces in the Alabama Black Belt Region. NSF INCLUDES & ALSDE; $450,000; 2017 - To Date(PD/Co-PI).
  9. Pathways for Alabama Computer Science (PACS). US Department of Education - EIR; $3,969,916; 2020 - 2025 (Co-PI).
  10. Collaborative Research: HBCU-UP Implementation Project: Preparing Interdisciplinary Minority Material Scientists and Engineers of the Future. NSF HBCU-UP; $1,779,388 (Alliance Total: $1,999,997); 2017-2025(Co-PI).
  11. The Greater Alabama Black Belt Region LSAMP. NSF LSAMP; $4,999,995; 2017 – 2025 (Co-PI).

B. Completed Funded Projects

  1. Collaborative Research: Strategies: bLack Girls from Alabama for Computing (LeGACy). NSF ITEST; $175,019; 2018 – 2024 (PI).

  2. Collaborative Research: AGEP Transformation Alliance: An HBCU Alliance - A Model to Promote URM Junior Faculty Advancement in the STEM Professoriate. NSF AGEP-T; $2,120,663(Alliance Total: $2,579,460), 2018 – 2024 (PD/Co-PI).

  3. Building Unique Inventions to Launch Discoveries, Engagement and Reasoning in STEM (BUILDERS). NSF ITEST; $704,535 (Alliance Total: $894,654); 2017 – 2022(PI/PD).

  4. Targeted Infusion Project: Integrative Makers Course and Laboratory for STEM Undergraduates. NSF HBCU-UP TIP; $400,000; 2018 – 2021 (Co-PI).

  5. Broadening Participation Research: Fostering Retention in STEM Disciplines at Minority Serving Institutions. NSF HBCU-UP BPR; $349,992; 2016 – 2021 (Co-PI).

  6. The Tuskegee Partnership for Personal Authenticity in College Mathematics. NSF IUSE; $299,997; 2016 – 2021 (Co-PI).

  7. A NanoBio Science Partnership for the Alabama Black Belt Region. NSF MSP; $10,000,000; 2011 – 2020 (Co-PI).

  8. Collaborative Research: The Tuskegee Alliance to Develop, Implement and Study a Virtual Graduate Education Model for Underrepresented Minorities in STEM. NSF AGEP-T; $993,353 (Alliance Total: $2,600,000); 2014 – 2020(PD/Co-PI).

  9. Partnership to Provide Technology Experiences through Aerial Drones in High Schools of the Alabama Black Belt. NSF ITEST; $1,192,593; 2016 – 2020 (Co-PI).

  10. Planning Grant: Establishment of a Virtual Sponsored Research Office. NSF EPSCoR (Unsolicited); $323,450; 2016 – 2018 (Co-PI).

  11. Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM. NSF RDE; $388,213; 2009 – 2017 (PI).

  12. Broadening Participation Research Grant: Fostering Retention in STEM Disciplines at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. NSF HBCU-UP BPR; $349,994; 2012–2015 (Co-PI).
  13. Preparing to Train STEM Professionals as Educators. NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship; $296,512; 2012–2015 (Co-PI).
  14. Ƶ Robert Noyce Teaching Scholars in Mathematics and Science Education in the Alabama Black Belt. NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship; $900,000; 2009–2015 (Co-PI).

V. Research Publications

A. Book

  1. Co-Editor: Progress in Approximation Theory and Applicable Complex Analysis, Series Title: Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 2017.

B. Book Chapters

  1. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Local behaviour of entire functions of exponential type, in 60 Years of Analytic Functions in Lublin, (ed. Jan Szynal) Innovatio Press Scientific publishing house, University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Lublin, Poland, June 2012, 31 - 47.
  2. N. K. GOVIL, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Interpolation by Polynomials and Transcendental Entire Functions, Frontiers of Interpolation and Approximation: a volume in memory of Professor Ambikeshwar Sharma, Taylor & Francis (2007), 173 – 211.
  3. D. P. DRYANOV, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Zeros and Critical Points of an Entire Function, Approximation Theory.A volume dedicated to Professor Blagovest Sendov (the founder of the School of Approximation Theory, University of Sofia, Bulgaria) in honour of his seventieth birthday, Darba, Sofia (2002), 158 – 186.

C. Refereed Publications

  1. ESCOBAR, M., QAZI, M., MAJEWSKI, H., & JEELANI, S. Barriers and facilitators to obtaining external funding at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 24 (1) (2023), 43 – 50.
  2. M. ESCOBAR, J. G. GRAY, K. HAYNIE, M. QAZI, Y. RAWAJFIH, P. MCCLENDON, D. TUCKER & W. JOHNSON. Engaging Black Female Students in a Year-Long Preparatory Experience for AP CS Principles. Accepted for publication in SIGCSE’21: Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2021) 706 - 724.
  3. M. ESCOBAR & M. A. QAZI. BUILDERS: A Project-Based Learning Experience to Foster STEM Interest in Students from Underserved High Schools. Accepted for Publication in Journal of STEM Education, Innovation and Research.
  4. C. DUNN, D. SHANNON, B. McCULLOUGH, O. JENDA, M. A. QAZI & C. PETTIS. A Mentoring Bridge Model for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Accepted for publication in Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.

  5. M. A. QAZI, J. G. GRAY, D. M. SHANNON, M. L. RUSSELL & M. THOMAS. A State-Wide Effort to Provide Access to Authentic Computer Science Education to Underrepresented Populations. SIGCSE '20: Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2020) 241–246.

  6. M. A. QAZI and M. ESCOBAR. Fostering the Professional Advancement of Minority STEM Faculty at HBCUs. Peer Review 21 (2019) 22 – 25.

  7. C. DUNN, D. SHANNON, B. McCULLOUGH, O. JENDA & M A. QAZI. An Innovative Postsecondary Education Program for Students with Disabilities in STEM. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 31 (1), (2018), 91-101.

  8. M. A. QAZI, D. M. SHANNON, O. M. G. JENDA, B. N. McCULLOUGH, G. GRIFFIN and A. M. LUNN. A Mentoring Bridge Model to Prepare Students with Disabilities in the STEM Fields at Ƶ,Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 22 (3), (2016) 183 – 197.
  9. M. A. QAZI. Application of the Euler's Gamma Function to a Problem Related to F. Carlson's Uniqueness Theorem,Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sect. A. 70 No. 1 (2016), 75 – 80.
  10. M. A. QAZI. On a Problem of Best Uniform Approximation and a Polynomial Inequality of Visser,Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics 62 No. 1 (2014), 43 – 48.
  11. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Distribution of the zeros of a polynomial with prescribed lower and upper bounds for its modulus on a compact set,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 59 (9) (2014), 1223 - 1235.
  12. M. A. QAZI. On Some Recent Results about Polynomials with Restricted Zeros,Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, 67 (2) (2013), 59-64.
  13. M. A. QAZI. On Two Recent Results about Polynomials with Prescribed Zeros,Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 9 (22) (2013), 217 – 220.
  14. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Two Inequalities for Polynomials and their Extensions,Computational Methods and Function Theory 13 (2) (2013), 205 – 223.
  15. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Functions of Exponential Type in a Half-Plane,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 58 (8) (2013), 1071 - 1084.
  16. N. K. GOVIL, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics (60) No. 3 (2012), 241 – 247.
  17. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Some Inequalities for Functions of Exponential Type Real on the Real Axis,Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In Memory of Professor Borislav Bojanov, (2012), 265 – 285.
  18. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. The Schwarz-Pick Theorem and its Applications,Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Vol LXV, No. 2, Sectio A, (2011), 149 – 167.
  19. M. A. QAZI. An Lp Inequality for `Self-Reciprocal' Polynomials. II,Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 (2011), 1 – 7.
  20. MARTIN, W. G., STRUTCHENS, M. E., STUCKWISCH, S., & QAZI M. A. Transforming east Alabama Mathematics (TEAM-Math): Promoting systemic change in schools and universities. In W. F. Tate, C. Rousseau, & K. King (eds.), Connecting research, practice, and policy in mathematics education. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2011), 105-118.
  21. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. An L2 Inequality for Rational Functions,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 55 (2010), 657 – 668.
  22. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Some Estimates for the Derivatives of Rational Functions,Computational Methods and Function Theory 10 No. 1(2010), 61--79.
  23. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. A Question Concerning a Polynomial Inequality and an Answer,Nonlinear Analysis 71 (2009), 2710 – 2716.
  24. N. K. GOVIL and M. A. QAZI. An Inequality for Enture Functions of Exponential Type Satisfying f(z) = e^(itz) f(z),Acta Mathematica Hungarica 119 (1-2) (2008), 189 – 196.
  25. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Some Coefficient Estimates for Polynomials on theUnit Interval,Serdica Mathematical Journal (devoted to the 75th anniversary of Professor Blagovest Sendov) 33 (2007), 449 - 474.
  26. M. A. QAZI. On the Maximum Modulus of Polynomials. II,Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 (2007), 1 – 7.
  27. M. A. QAZI. An Lp Inequality for Polynomials,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 336 (2007), 1456 – 1465.
  28. R. N. MOHAPATRA, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. On Fractional Order Derivatives of Trigonometric Polynomials,East Journal on Approximations 13 (2007), 105 - 122.
  29. M. A. QAZI. An Inequality for Self-Reciprocal Polynomials,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 329 (2007), 1204 - 1211.
  30. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Behaviour of Trigonometric Polynomials with Only Real Zeros Near a Critical Point,Constructive Theory of Functions, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia (2006), 257 - 266.
  31. M. A. QAZI. The Mean Value Theorem and Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324 (2006), 30 – 38.
  32. D. P. DRYANOV, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Local Behavior of Polynomials,Mathematics of Computation73 (2004), 1345 – 1364.
  33. N. K. GOVIL, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. A New Property of Entire Functions of Exponential Type not Vanishing in a Half-Plane and Applications,Complex Variables: Theory and Applications 48 (2003), 897 - 908.
  34. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Extensions of a Result of Erdös about the Arc Length of a Trigonometric Polynomial, Journal of Analysis and Applications 1 (2003), 85 – 105.
  35. N. K. GOVIL, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Inequalities Describing the Growth of Polynomials not Vanishing in a Disk of Prescribed Radius,Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 6(2003), 453 -467.
  36. D. P. DRYANOV, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Certain Extremal Problems for Polynomials,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 131 (2003), 2741 – 2751.
  37. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. On a Polynomial Inequality of P. L. Chebyshev, Archives of Inequalities and Applications 1 (2003), 31 – 42.
  38. D. P. DRYANOV, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Local Behavior of Entire Functions of Exponential Type, Computational Methods and Function Theory 2 (2002), 319 – 336.
  39. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. On the Growth of Harmonic Polynomials, Mathematica Balkanica (New Series) 16 (2002), 219 – 234.
  40. N. K. GOVIL and M. A. QAZI. On Maximum Modulus of Polynomials and Related Entire Functions With Restricted Zeros, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 5 (2002), 219 - 234.
  41. M. A. QAZI. On Polynomials Monotonic on the Unit Interval, Analysis 21 (2001), 129 - 134.
  42. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. On the growth of Polynomials not Vanishing in the Unit Disc, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, LIV, Sectio A, (2000), 107-115.
  43. C. FRAPPIER and M. A. QAZI. A Refinement of Bernstein’s Inequality for the Second Derivative of a Polynomial, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, LII, Sectio A, (1998), 30-36.
  44. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. The Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming Applied to Certain Extremal Problems for Polynomials, Annals of Numerical Mathematics 4 (1997), 529-546.
  45. C. FRAPPIER and M. A. QAZI. Asymptotic Inequalities Related to the Maximum Modulus of a Polynomial, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 15 (1996), 747-758.
  46. C. FRAPPIER and M. A. QAZI. Asymptotic Inequalities for Polynomials with Restricted Coefficients, Analysis 16 (1996), 223-243.
  47. M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. On an Inequality of L. Fejér and F. Riesz, J. Analysis 3 (1995), 87-94.
  48. C. FRAPPIER and M. A. QAZI. Optimal Inequalities for the Coefficients of Polynomials of Small Degree, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, VOL XLVII, 2, Sectio A,(1993),18-26.
  49. M. A. QAZI. On the Maximum Modulus of Polynomials, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 115 (1992), 337-343.
  50. M. A. QAZI. An Optimization Principle Applied to Certain Extremal Problems for Polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 164 (1992), 116-129.

D. Publications in Non-Refereed Journals / Conference Proceedings

  1. D. P. DRYANOV, M. A. QAZI and Q. I. RAHMAN. Entire Functions of Exponential Type in Approximation Theory, Constructive Function Theory, Varna, Darba, Sofia, 2003, 86 – 135.
    Note: This was an invited paper.

VI. Presentations on Scientific Research and Broadening Participation Efforts

  1. Academic and Social Integration for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM Disciplines at GABBR LSAMP Institutions. STEM/STEAM & Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 8, 2023 (with Overtoun Jenda).
  2. An Academic Year Co-Curricular Intervention to Prepare a Diverse STEM Workforce of the Future. Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, HI, Jan 4, 2023 (with Overtoun Jenda, Martha Escobar, Brittany McCullough & David Shannon).
  3. Broadening Participation in STEM Through Implementation of a Computer Science Curriculum in Rural and Underserved School Districts. National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Conference, Los Angeles, CA; Dec 10, 2021 (with Melody Russell, Jeff Gray, Jared Russell & Misty Thomas).
  4. A State-Wide Effort to Provide Access to Authentic Computer Science Education to Underrepresented Populations. SIGCSE 2020; Portland, OR; March 14, 2020 (with Jeff Gray, Melody Russell and Misty Thomas).
  5. An Inequality for Self-Reciprocal Polynomials. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 6, 2019.

  6. Building and Expanding an Alliance Model for Students with Disabilities in STEM. Pacific Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, October 9, 2017 (with Overtoun Jenda and Brittany McCullough).

  7. South East Alliance for Persons with Disabilities in STEM (SEAPD-STEM). Biomedical Engineering NSF INCLUDES Conference, Akron, Ohio, March 8, 2017.

  8. The Super Gene Brothers: DNA versus RNA. Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Des Moines, Iowa, January 12, 2017 (with Shaik Jeelani, Chastity Bradford and Alicia Curry).
  9. An Evidence-Based Bridge Model to Prepare Students with Disabilities at the Postsecondary Level. Pacific Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, April 25, 2016 (with Overtoun Jenda and Brittany McCullough).
  10. Local Behaviour of Entire Functions of Exponential Type. Colloquium talk, Orlando, Florida, March 16, 2016.
  11. Promising Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in STEM Education. Colloquium talk, Orlando, Florida, March 15, 2016.
  12. Strom Chasers. Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Reno, Nevada, January 9, 2016 (with Shaik Jeelani, Alicia Curry and Michael Curry).
  13. A Mentoring Bridge Model to Increase the Representation of Students with Disabilities in STEM Fields. Pacific Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, May 18, 2015 (with Overtoun Jenda, Ash Abebe and Brittany McCullough).
  14. Promising Models to Promote STEM Research Careers by Multi-Institution, Multi-Disciplinary Alliances Funded by the NSF’s Graduate Education and the Professoriate-Transformation (AGEP-T) Program. 7th Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers, San Diego, California, May 16, 2015.
  15. Ready, Set, Grow! Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Portland, Oregon, January 8, 2015 (with Shaik Jeelani and Gerald Griffin).
  16. Collaborative Research: The Tuskegee Alliance to Develop, Implement, and Study a Virtual Graduate Education Model for Underrepresented Minorities in STEM. STEM Education Seminar, Auburn, Alabama, December 4, 2014 (with Shaik Jeelani, B.K. Robertson and Melody Russell).
  17. Collaborative Research: The Tuskegee Alliance to Develop, Implement, and Study a Virtual Graduate Education Model for Underrepresented Minorities in STEM. Advisory Board Meeting, NSF Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), Tuskegee, Alabama, November 20, 2014.
  18. A Bridge Model for Retaining College Students with Disabilities. Pacific Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, May 19, 2014 (with Overtoun Jenda and Brittany McCullough).
  19. A Mean Value Theorem for Quadrinomials. Sectional Western Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 5, 2014.
  20. A NanoBio Science Partnership for the Alabama Black Belt Region. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2, 2014.
  21. Complex-Valued Functions and the Mean Value Theorem. Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, January 15, 2014.
  22. Preparing to Train STEM Professionals as Educators. Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, January 15, 2014.
  23. On Entire Functions Belonging to the Paley-Wiener Space. Computational Methods and Function Theory (CMFT 2013) International Conference, Shantou University, Shantou, China, June 10, 2013.
  24. The Effects of a Bridge Retention Model for Students with Disabilities in STEM. Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, April 29, 2013 (with Ash Abebe and Brittany McCullough).
  25. An Extension of Bernstein’s Inequality to Rational Functions. Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, San Diego, California January 12, 2013.
  26. Essential On-campus Organizational and Structural Elements Required for the Preparation and Implementation of Noyce Scholarship and Capacity-Building Proposals.Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, Proposal Development Workshop for the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, Baltimore, Maryland, December 7, 2012.
  27. The Schwarz-Pick Theorem, an Analogue and Applications. International Conference: “60 years of Analytic Function Theory in Lublin”. In Memory of our Professors and Friends Jan G. Krzyż, Zdzisław Lewandowski and Wojciech Szapiel, University of Economics and Innovation / Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Poland, June 4, 2012.
  28. Using an Alliance Approach to Increase the Retention of Students with Disabilities in STEM. Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai'i, March 27, 2012 (with Overtoun Jenda and Brittany McCullough).
  29. The Mean Value Theorem and Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable. Alabama Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Ƶ, Tuskegee, Alabama, February 23, 2012.
  30. Extensions of a Result of P. Turán about the Local Behaviour of Polynomials. Paul Turán Memorial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 23, 2011.
  31. An Inequality for Functions Belonging to the Paley-Wiener Space. Conference on Blaschke Products and their Applications, Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, July 27, 2011.
  32. An Inequality for Self-Reciprocal Polynomials. International Conference: Constructive Theory of Functions (CTF-2010), Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 5, 2010.
  33. An Inequality for Rational Functions. American Mathematical Society Sectional Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 16, 2010.
  34. Extensions of Bernstein's Inequality to Rational Functions. Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, San Francisco, California, January 15, 2010.
  35. The Ƶ Robert Noyce Teaching Scholars in Mathematics and Science Education in the Alabama Black Belt. Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee, Alabama, December 8, 2009.
  36. Summer Academy of Math. Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee, Alabama, December 8, 2009.
  37. Summer Academy of Math. Sixth annual TEAM-Math Partnership Conference, Tuskegee, Alabama September 12, 2009.
  38. Estimates for the Derivative of a Rational Function. Computational Methods and Function Theory (CMFT 2009) International Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, June 8, 2009.
  39. A Question Concerning a Polynomial Inequality and an Answer. 12th New Mexico Analysis Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 25, 2009.
  40. Creating an Effective and Cost-Effective Teacher Leader Network for K-12 Mathematics. Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, Florida, February 6, 2009 (with W. Gary Martin, Marilyn E. Strutchens, Beth Hickman, Pam Norris and Lisa Lishak).
  41. Learning Math, Science, and Agriculture – Challenges and Outcomes in Four Black Belt Counties. Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee, Alabama, December 8, 2008 (with Walter Hill, Carlton Morris, Carol Zippert, James Sanders, Jacqueline MacArthur, Victor Brown and Michelle McKee).
  42. An Inequality for Polynomials. Special Session on Approximation Theory and its Applications, International Conference: World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Orlando, Florida, July 2, 2008.
  43. Examining TEAM-Math's Success: A Look into the Multifaceted Partnership. Research Pre-session at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9, 2008 (with Marilyn Strutchens, W. Gary Martin, Steve Stuckwisch, Beth Hickman and Lisa Lishak).
  44. Extensions of an Inequality for Real Trigonometric Polynomials. Special Session on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, American Mathematical Society Sectional Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 14, 2007.
  45. Using Investigations to Teach Certain Undergraduate Mathematics Courses. Fourth Annual TEAM-Math Partnership Conference, Ƶ, Tuskegee, Alabama, August 24, 2007.
  46. Extensions of a Result of Erdős about the Arc-Length of a Trigonometric Polynomial. 21st Auburn Mini-Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Related Areas, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, November 24, 2006.
  47. An Inequality for ‘Self-Reciprocal’ Polynomials. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques, New University of Lisbon and Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal, September 2, 2006.
  48. TEAM-Math: An Overview of a National Science Funded Partnership to Improve Mathematics Education in East-Alabama. Joint Sectional Meeting of the MAA / SIAM, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, March 31, 2006 – April 1, 2006 (with Chris Rodger, Auburn University), April 1, 2006.
  49. The Mean Value Theorem and Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable. Session on Algebra and Analysis, Joint Sectional Meeting of the MAA / SIAM, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, March 31, 2006.
  50. TEAM-Math: The Making of a Partnership between Mathematics Educators, Mathematicians and K-12 School Personnel. Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Tampa, Florida, January 28, 2006 (with W. Gary Martin, John Painter, Marilyn Strutchens, Steve Stuckwisch, Nancy Washburn).
  51. Behaviour of Trigonometric Polynomials with only Real Zeros near a Critical Point. Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, San Antonio, Texas, January 13, 2006.
  52. Extensions of a Result of P. Turán about the local behaviour of Polynomials. Approximation Theory Special Session, Sectional Mathematics Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Johnson City, Tennessee, October 15, 2005.
  53. Local Behavior of Entire Functions of Exponential Type. International Conference “Constructive Theory of Functions”, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2, 2005.
  54. A Mean Value Theorem for Quadrinomials. Sectional Mathematics Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 16, 2004.
  55. Local Behavior of Entire Functions of Exponential Type. A paper presented at a one hour colloquium talk, Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, March 10, 2004.
  56. Extensions of a Result of Erdös about the Arc Length of a Trigonometric Polynomial. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, Phoenix, Arizona, January 8, 2004.
  57. On the Growth of Harmonic Polynomials. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, January 15, 2003.
  58. Local Behavior of Trigonometric Polynomials. Special Session on Computational Methods in Analysis, Sectional Mathematics Meetings, American Mathematical Society, Orlando, Florida, November 10, 2002.
  59. Certain Extremal Problems for Polynomials. Sectional Mathematics Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March 9, 2002.
  60. Local Behavior of Entire Functions of Exponential Type. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, San Diego, California, January 7, 2002.
  61. On Polynomials Monotonic on the Unit Interval. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, New-Orleans, Louisiana, January 13, 2001.
  62. On a Polynomial Inequality of P. L. Chebyshev. Sectional Mathematics Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Birmingham, Alabama, November 11, 2000.
  63. On the Maximum Modulus of a Polynomial. Joint Mathematics Meetings, American Mathematical Society, Washington, DC, January 21, 2000.
  64. On the Maximum Modulus of a Polynomial. Approximation Theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, December 9, 1999.
  65. Un Principe d’Optimization Appliqué à Certains Problèmes Extremaux pour Polynômes. Séminaire de Mathématiques Appliquées, Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, April 5, 1991.