

Assessment of 快活视频's Undergraduate Programs

The assessment of undergraduate programs follows the broader pattern of evaluating student learning. This includes the process of identifying student learning outcomes, determining where they will be addressed, conducting assessments, and using data to improve student learning.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness uses a curriculum map and a SLO Worksheet for degree programs to keep account of their assessment data.

Curriculum Map

The curriculum map allows academic units to determine what courses within the undergraduate program will address each learning outcome. The curriculum map lists all learning outcomes and all required courses for a degree program.

Most undergraduate courses build on each other from the level of introduction to mastery. Thus when completing a curriculum map, faculty will list if a course addresses a learning outcome at the (I)ntroductory, (R)einforcement, or (M)astery level. Only one course per learning outcome should be designated for mastery.

Curriculum Map

SLO Worksheet

The SLO Worksheet is used to report assessment data. At least one course per learning outcome should be assessed each year. This course can be at the introductory, reinforcement, or mastery level. The SLO Worksheet details important information such as when the assessment took place, what activities were used to teach the learning outcome, how students fared on the assessment, and the plan for improvement. The plan for improvement should be implemented the following year to determine the degree to which the plan impacted student learning.

SLO Worksheet